Frequently Asked Questions
On your first visit, try to arrive earlier than your appointment. Provide your physiotherapist with your prescription and any other medical result that you have had recently. Try to prepare a list of medication that you are taking. Don’t forget your insurance card too.
Your physiotherapist will complete some paperwork after finishing the evaluation of your situation mainly by taking your history, your physical assessment, screening and testing your condition. For this objective evaluation, the physiotherapist might need to use palpation or touching the area of your pain, mobilization of your joints, testing your muscles and performing some clinical tests. The information obtained will help your physiotherapist in his clinical judgment as to the appropriate modalities to use in your situation. A plan or a rehabilitation program is subsequently structured according to short and long term goals based upon the problems identified and the assessment and according to your personal goals and preferences.
Try to wear loose clothing so to easily expose the area to be evaluated or treated. Because you will need to perform some exercises, try to have a comfortable outfit that won’t disturb your physical activity
Most physical therapy treatments include “hands-on” care pertaining to therapeutic exercises, functional training and manual techniques. Other interventions might include electrical stimulation, ultrasound, traction, laser therapy, shock wave therapy, postural reeducation and ergonomic counseling.
Depending on the complexity of each case. Sessions’ length can vary according to the type of injury and the amount of care required.
The main target in practically all physical therapy sessions is to relieve pain. Your physical therapist will use the appropriate exercises and modalities that provide pain relief but also recover range of motion, strength, and endurance. In certain conditions, physical therapy modalities might be painful and it is important that you communicate the intensity, frequency, and duration of pain to your therapist so he will adjust your treatment approach.
All working physiotherapists in Lebanon should be registered in the Order of Physiotherapists in Lebanon and therefore are given a membership card with their affiliation number.
In all times but preferably while beginning your physical therapy sessions, you can carefully review the credentials and identity of your therapist. In case of any doubt, you can call OPTL to make sure that your therapist has the relevant experience and training to match your specific condition or injury. Any breach of professional ethical conduct may also be investigated by OPTL’ Disciplinary council and serious warnings or even suspension of practicing physiotherapy can be issued when needed.
Patient safety is a complex concept that requires managing both individual and environmental factors effectively. A very important area of safety is infection control. At the individual physiotherapist level, this involves ensuring frequent hand hygiene, which is key to preventing the spread of infection.
Physiotherapists working in clinical settings are usually aware of patient safety and take measures to ensure patient safety on a daily basis. Many physiotherapists consider physiotherapy interventions to have little or no potential for harm to patients. Nevertheless, physiotherapists strive to anticipate, recognize, and manage situations that might place patients at risk.